The book Never Split the Difference is written by former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss and describes different strategies that you can use during negotiations. Thus as one would expect, it is filled with many nail biting true stories which are used to illustrate its points. I personally standby the methods in the book, having been able to successfully apply them to the effect of saving thousands of dollars. Continue reading
book review
The War of Art / Steven Pressfield
The War of Art cleanly and simply divulges the internal raging battle being fought inside every human being. This battle is against the formidable force known as resistance. Nothing is likely holding you back as much as yourself, and you probably do not even realize it. Steven Pressfield calls you out on your own shit and gives you the tough love pep-talk that you need. Pressfield reveals how resistance is getting the better of you, and how you can fight back. By better knowing your enemy in all its forms, you greatly increase your fighting chance.