#NoThanks Movement

There is a growing movement of Western expats who became fed up with the endless crap that they were being fed in their homelands and thus chose to move aboard. You will not identify members of this unofficial movement by solidarity frames placed upon their Facebook profile pictures, but contrarily by the fact that their social media accounts lie mostly dormant, free of shares of incendiary click-bait bullshit created solely for profiteering purposes. Continue reading

The World’s Worst Tourists

The following list comes from my personal travel experience, and is written solely for entertainment purposes. There are great people as well as boneheads in every nation. This article is in no way a condemnation of all the people which come from a particular nation, but simply a commentary on common trends of those who travel abroad. Continue reading

The End of Civil Discourse

Things are getting a bit loony in the USA. Hysteria has become the standard reaction to almost everything, overwhelming and desensitizing the public, and preventing them from being able to distinguish where real concerns actually lie. When everyone who disagrees with you is Hitler, such language loses its potency, and thus in turn we lose the ability to identify actual threats. Continue reading

Five Incredibly Overpriced Items in the USA

Whenever I’m visiting the United States, I always take advantage of the opportunity to upgrade my computer, smartphone and wardrobe. For when it comes to purchasing consumer goods, the USA has some of lowest prices in the world. However, when it comes to paying for the following items, I cringe at how badly Americans are being ripped off. Continue reading

Eight American Cultural Traits

After writing about both Russian and German cultural traits, its only fair that I also address those of my own home country. T.S. Elliot wrote: “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” After living abroad for the greater half of a decade, I can now reflect back on my homeland with a new perspective. Continue reading

The Four Steps to Engineering Personal and Financial Freedom

Do you want to start your own business, travel the world or simply just spend more time with your family? Whatever your dream is, don’t let personal debt get in the way of it. There should be a mandatory class in school which teaches people the following facts regarding personal finance, given that common misunderstandings so often create long lasting problems and stress. Continue reading

Avoiding the American Debt Trap

Many institutions in the United States have becoming increasing predatory over the past few decades, among the most notably being: student loan providers, mortgage loan providers, credit card companies and the health care industry. While some of this debt is accrued through misfortune or bad decisions, a good chunk can be accredited to the debt holder having been misguided or misinformed. Many of these industries prey on a person’s sense of self worth and convince them that they are buying a ticket to the American Dream. In reality, they are more likely buying a ticket into indentured servitude. Continue reading

The Attention Economy: How We Are Forfeiting Our Most Precious Resource

The transition from the Industrial Age into the Information Age has caused a dramatic shift in the inner workings of the world economy. The fundamental elements to which we are attaching value are drastically changing. In the Industrial Age, we would provide labor in return for money. People worked in factories, performing value adding processes to create physical goods which were to be sold at a price higher than that of the materials, rent and labor costs that went into producing them. The labor may have been non-stimulating and repetitive, but nonetheless, one received a paycheck for producing something tangible. In the Information Age, people are now giving away their attention and personal information to organizations, which are making record profits by packaging together and selling to advertisers all the data that they collect.
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The “Forgotten Man” and How Donald Trump Became President

President-Elect Trump stated during his victory speech on election night that “the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” These forgotten men and women, who live primarily in the “fly-over” states and who are often the punch line of the jokes made by the liberal coastal “elite,” were the ones who carried Trump to victory. While the poles leading up to the election seemed to have forgotten to include these individuals, Donald Trump had addressed them by name. And these citizens thanked Trump for acknowledging them by electing him President.
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Benjamin Franklin: An American Life / Walter Isaacson

Benjamin Franklin is often thought of as the quintessential American. A man that was born without a silver spoon in his mouth, but achieved greatness through being industrious, frugal and hard working. He did not believe in arbitrary authority but instead evaluated a man based on his merit.  After “retiring” from printing, following decades of working to build a successful business, Franklin proceeds to become a prominent inventor, diplomat and politician. He was a prime contributor to both the establishment of a brand new area of science involving electricity, and a revolutionary new system of government.
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