Skopje, Macedonia Travel Guide

Value: 5/5

Livability: 2.5/5

Nightlife: 2/5

Skopje is like a miniaturized Belgrade with a bit of Las Vegas and Disney World thrown in. Either in an attempt to define their cultural identity, or perhaps done solely to embezzle money, the government has built a comical amount of statues and monuments around the city. The biggest statue being that of Alexander the Great in the city center next to a dancing water fountain. Continue reading

The Dancing Wu Li Masters / Gary Zukav

“What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.”  -Werner Heisenberg

At first glance, the book The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav may appear to be primarily written on the subject of physics. However, to classify it only as such would be doing it a disservice. It is through the medium of explaining the non-intuitive concepts of new physics (relativity and quantum mechanics), that Zukav brings awareness to our limited ability to perceive “reality” and accurately define it. The same mind shift that is necessary to allow for a better understanding of our universe in its entirety, is just as applicable when we apply it on the micro scale to our individual lives.

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Prevalence of Group Think in Modern Society

We all benefit from the advantages of group think. No single person has the time to base every decision upon only the information which they have alone amassed. As the speed of everyday life and the volume of information we are exposed to rapidly grows, so does the pressure to make rapid decisions. Thus people are inclined now more than ever before to tap into a group consciousness for answers to their quandaries. Continue reading

The War of Art / Steven Pressfield

The War of Art cleanly and simply divulges the internal raging battle being fought inside every human being. This battle is against the formidable force known as resistance. Nothing is likely holding you back as much as yourself, and you probably do not even realize it. Steven Pressfield calls you out on your own shit and gives you the tough love pep-talk that you need. Pressfield reveals how resistance is getting the better of you, and how you can fight back. By better knowing your enemy in all its forms, you greatly increase your fighting chance.

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Catch Me If You Can / Frank Abagnale Jr.

This is the first installment in a series dedicated to exposing extraordinary individuals.

Frank Abagnale Jr. is one of the greatest con artists of all time. He was a renaissance man who successfully masqueraded as an airline pilot, lawyer, doctor, and university professor.  While his crimes are not commendable, one can learn from his self-confidence and quick intellect. I will let Frank tell you himself his incredible life story.

The original book: Catch Me If You Can

Setting Sail

The cool morning air blew across my face as I stared down the rail line in the direction which I anticipated my train would arrive. Others waited in the train station reading their papers and sipping their coffees, as a man on a loudspeaker recited lines in a language I did not speak. Continue reading